Complete environment for performance reviews cycles, available in several languages.

Recognize the talent and performance of your teams with Dezi-managed reviews cycles. Visualize who is making a difference in your results.

Reviews with Dezi foster continuous development

The results of successful reviews cycles ensure that everyone has clear, measurable and meaningful goals in line with the company’s overall business strategy. Employees are motivated to participate in aligned teams, with their recognized skills and their gaps mapped for future training actions.

Personalization and culture, Dezi integrated and speaking the same language as your company

Collaborator or Employee? Area or Department? What types of competences in analysis? Each company has its own DNA that generates its own unique culture. With Dezi, you can configure everything the way you want from a pre-configured template. It is available in several languages. 

Everyone involved in the Performance Management Cycles will feel at home with Dezi. It can be translated to any language.

Several graduation scales

Each competency can be measured on a different scale. Make sure your assessments are well understood through tips for each response option.

Project development 85%
Financial math 70%
Report Writing 95%

Competency breakdown

Describe all points of each competency.
Differentiate the importance of each behavior by using weights for each questionnaire item.


Rating 360º or 180º Performance Reviews? Dezi operates with various types of reviews

Perform 90º, 180º and 360º reviews cycles, with or without consensus, according to the culture of your company. Assign weights for each type of competency. and also for evaluators: leaders, teams, peers and self-assessment.

Dezi is multidimensional, choose the one that’s right for your business

Are dimensions such as assessing performance potential, skills, engagement or commitment important to you? Dimension makes it possible to label competencies in more than one category. Example: A question may be in the behavioral competency tree and classified as an essential competency.
With Dezi, you can do multiple classifications.

Dezi. Aba Resumo com seção Tipo vs peso. It is available in several languages.

You can define calculation formulas.

The calculation of scores is fully customizable. Establish how a concept is achieved, create any rounding rules. Customize everything your way.
You can give a weight to each appraiser to differentiate their opinion in the performance calculation.

Dezi - Screen RH - It is available in several languages. It can be translated to any language.

Real-time Performance Reviews Cycle Analysis

Follow the evolution of the reviews, see how the employees are signaling the milestones reached and managers approving all the information. Ensure that only reliable data will guide future decision-making, review the process for completing assessments, and keep everything on schedule.

Dezi. Resultado Total. It is available in several languages.

Mapped Skills Gaps

Analysis of individual and comparative results with IDP register to support economic and organized action planning.
It will be very easy for HR to identify corporate training needs through sectoral reporting and competencies.
All Dezi reports are available to HR, but with the whole company view!

Speed ​​and accuracy to perform evaluations and research

Dezi is a cloud application that runs from anywhere, at the most convenient time.
Ratings can be completed on any device with internet access: smartphones, tablets and computers.

Reviews that run well on any device

Gradually completing the surveys, this Dezi function allows participants to complete assessments at their own pace, wherever they are because a phone or tablet is enough.

Guaranteed equity and focus to accomplish more in less time

Dezi focuses on assessment skills, not individuals. When you select a competency, Dezi lists all collaborators you are responsible for who are associated with that competency.

No more double standards. More accurate competency assessments

The list of employees is reordered as the assessment is performed, so you can make comparative analyzes for a quick and fair assessment. Focus on one competency at a time ensures fairness and a simple and agile completion.

Get Free Trial

It is very simple to check all the benefits we have announced, request a free trial of Dezi. We will assist you with the initial setup and opening of your account. You will be able to perform a complete review cycle and analyze the results.

We believe the key to building a meaningful feedback generation process is to provide reliable, periodic information that drives growth.

Dezi is all that to you.

Get Free Trial
Dezi Processo de Feed Forward

Performance Management in real time

How is this possible? Send feedforwards to your contributors at any time. Ongoing conversations and feedback.

Dezi Apontamentos. It is available in several languages.

Smart notes for fair and rational evaluations

The results of performance appraisals may be unfair because of the recent memory phenomenon. It is a human tendency to always consider only the latest facts in judgments.

The mobile version of Dezi has an area where personal notes related to a particular skill can be made.

When answering the questionnaire, the evaluator can see the personal notes made per employee and in each competence.

Survey responses are much faster and more accurate because they will be grounded in periodically recorded facts.

Dezi. Aba Resumo com seção Tipo vs peso. It is available in several languages.

The HR team will fall in love with Dezi!

You can include multiple evaluations in one review cycle, getting separate grades for each survey type you define!

Any methodology can be included in Dezi, and starting a review is very easy!

The company may want a 360 degree feedback with the inclusion of all agents in the campaign, or define that only one group will be evaluated at that time.

Dezi Resumo Gestor. It is available in several languages.

Analyze reports in a variety of ways!

Managers will be able to see their teams in tables or graphs.

Clicking on each evaluation the system will show more detailed results. Hints are used to facilitate understanding of the result.

Multiple view filters: collaborator, area, rating agent, and more. Broad perspective of performance.


Dezi also takes care of internal communication between participants!

You can configure the system to send messages to inform all employees that a review cycle has started. Remind people who are late and any other communication related to the evaluation process.

You can filter participants to whom you want to send the message, or send to a group of people according to their user profile. And there’s more:
internal custom messaging system.


Dezi goes further!

View breakthrough and development points by area and employee.

Precious information to guide corporate training and development policies and continuous performance management.